Cynanchum arizonicum (Arizona Swallow-Wort)
Kearney, T.H. and R.H. Peebles. 1960. Arizona flora, second edition with supplement. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Martin, W.C. and C.R. Hutchins. 1980. A flora of New Mexico. J. Cramer, Germany.
Shreve, F. and I.L. Wiggins. 1964. Vegetation and flora of the Sonoran Desert. Two volumes. Stanford University Press.
Sundell, E. 1981. The New World species of Cynanchum L. subgenus Mellichampia (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) Woods. (Asclepiadaceae). Evolutionary Monographs 5:1-63.
Sundell, E. 1993. Asclepiadaceae. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 27(2):182.
Wooton, E.O. and P.S. Standley. 1915. Flora of New Mexico. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
For distribution maps and more information, visit Natural Heritage New Mexico