Ipomoea tenuiloba (Trumpet Morning-glory)
Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1979. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas, second printing. The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX.
Austin, D.F. 1990. Annotated checklist of New Mexican Convolvulaceae. Sida 14(2):273-286.
Austin, D.F. 1991. Annotated checklist of Arizona Convolvulaceae. Sida 14(3):443-457.
Austin, D.F. 1992. Rare Convolvulaceae in the Southwestern United States. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 1992, 79:8-16.
Yatskievych, G. and C.T. Mason, Jr. 1984. A taxonomic study of Ipomoea tenuiloba Torrey (Convolvulaceae), with notes on related species. MadroƱo 31(2):102-108
For distribution maps and more information, visit Natural Heritage New Mexico