Ipomoea tenuiloba (Trumpet Morning-glory)

Ipomoea tenuiloba (Trumpet Morning-glory)

New Mexico, Eddy, Grant, and Hidalgo counties (Austin 1990), also Otero County (see below); Arizona, Cochise (several locations in different mountain ranges), Pima, and Santa Cruz counties (Austin 1991, 1992); Texas, Jeff Davis County (Austin 1992), Trans-Pecos mountains (Correll & Johnston 1979); Mexico, Chihuahua (Austin 1992).
Chaparral, Madrean oak woodlands, and ponderosa pine zones [in Arizona] (Austin 1991); slopes and summits (Correll & Johnston 1979).
Austin recognizes two varieties: var. tenuiloba (white flowered) and lemmonii (Gray) Yatskievych & Mason (purple flowered), both of which occur in Arizona and New Mexico.
Conservation Considerations
Place on L4 (Apparently uncommon in New Mexico, but common elsewhere).
Important Literature

Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1979. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas, second printing. The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX.

Austin, D.F. 1990. Annotated checklist of New Mexican Convolvulaceae. Sida 14(2):273-286.

Austin, D.F. 1991. Annotated checklist of Arizona Convolvulaceae. Sida 14(3):443-457.

Austin, D.F. 1992. Rare Convolvulaceae in the Southwestern United States. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 1992, 79:8-16.

Yatskievych, G. and C.T. Mason, Jr. 1984. A taxonomic study of Ipomoea tenuiloba Torrey (Convolvulaceae), with notes on related species. MadroƱo 31(2):102-108

Information Compiled By
David Bleakly 1998

For distribution maps and more information, visit Natural Heritage New Mexico