Acacia millefolia (Milfoil Wattle)
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González E., M.S. González E., Y. Herrera A. 1991. Flora de Durango. Listados Florísticos de México, IX. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. 167 pp.
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Martin, P.C., P. Jenkins, and others. 1990. Manuscript checklist of the plants of the Rio Mayo region in western Chihuahua and southern Sonora. 351 mss pages (no authors indicated).
Spellenberg, R., T. Lebgue, and R. Corral-Díaz. 1996. A specimen-based, annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachi" and adjacent areas, Chihuahua, México. Listados Florísticos de México, XIII. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. 72 pp.
Spellenberg, R., R. Worthington, P. Knight, & R. Fletcher. 1986. Additions to the flora of New Mexico. Sida 11(4):455-470.
Wiggins, I.L. 1964. Flora of the Sonoran Desert. Part II; pp. 189-1699 in: F. Shreve and I.L. Wiggins, Vegetation and Flora of the Sonoran Desert. Stanford Univ. Press, Standford. 2 vols, 1740 pp.
For distribution maps and more information, visit Natural Heritage New Mexico