New Mexico Rare Plant Discussion Group
An internet discussion list NMRAREPLANTS-L is administered at UNM (listserv@maillist.unm.edu) to facilitate discussions about New Mexico's rare plants. If you would like to be included, we welcome you to be among the subscribers.
How to subscribe to the list
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
Leave the Subject field blank.
In the body of the message type:
subscribe NMRAREPLANTS-L firstname lastname
Once the subscribe request is approved, a notification will be e-mailed to you.
Communicating with the list
Once members are subscribed, to communicate with one another simply address messages to:
NOTE: listserv requests such as subscribe and unsubscribe should only be sent to: listserv@maillist.unm.edu
How to unsubscribe from the list
Subscribers can remove themselves from the list by sending a message to:
Leave the Subject field blank.
In the body of message type (with no other text):