Rumex orthoneurus (Chiricahua Dock)

Rumex orthoneurus (Chiricahua Dock)

Photograph by Daniela Roth (2021)
Scientific Name with Author

Rumex orthoneurus Rech. f.

Common Name
Chiricahua Dock


Known from 6 counties in AZ and 6 counties in NM.  Also from Sonora, Mexico. (SEINet 2021)


Occurs near perennial springs, in wet meadows or along stream sides in canyons, in moist, organic soils.  Fire seems to not have impacted the species in the Gila NF due to its preferred habitat along moist stream and in wet meadows. The range has expanded as plants previously thought to have been R. occidentalis were identified as R. orthoneurus. 

Information Compiled By
Daniela Roth 2021

For distribution maps and more information, visit Natural Heritage New Mexico