Critically Imperiled
Berlandiera macvaughii
Perennial herbs, 15-35 cm high, the stems arising from enlarged woody or lignescent roots. Leaves mostly basal, 10-18 cm long, 1.5-4.0 cm wide, petioles 2-7 cm long, blades ovate to linear-oblanceolate, passing into the petioles, scarcely lobed, of a...
Boechera zephyra (Wind Mountain rock-cress)
Perennial herb 2-5 dm high, with (1-)3-6(-10) basal rosettes usually elevated above the ground on a branched, woody caudex; flowering stems 1 per basal rosette, arising centrally and terminating the rosette, glabrous; basal leaves broadly oblanceolat...
Calochortus gunnisonii var. perpulcher (Pecos Mariposa Lily)
Erect perennial herbs, from ovoid bulbs, stems slender, usually one per bulb, 2-6 dm tall, bearing a few long, narrow leaves and 1-3 flowers at the apex; flowers 3-merous, large, bell-shaped, erect; sepals lanceolate, 2-3 cm long; petals obovate, pal...
Carex amplifolia
Plants forming large clumps or stands from stout rhizomes; culms 50-90(100) cm tall, shorter to longer than the leaves; leaf blades (5)7-15(20) mm wide, the sheaths pale green to reddish, sometimes red-spotted; inflorescence 15.5-26 cm long, composed...
Carex ultra (A Sedge)
Plants densely cespitose from stout rhizomes; culms 50-160 cm tall; leaf blades 6-15 mm wide, sometimes glaucous, thick, stiff, scabrous on margins and keel, basal sheaths brown or reddish, with fronts densely red-spotted or blotched, ladder-fibrillo...
Castilleja organorum (Organ Mountain Indian-Paintbrush)
Perennial, multi-stemmed and branching herb or sub-shrub to 6 dm tall; stem hairs stiffly spreading or bent downward; leaves narrow to linear-lanceolate, devoid of teeth, rough to the touch; inflorescence short, few-flowered, soft-hairy; floral bract...
Castilleja ornata (Swale Paintbrush)
Annual herb with 1 or few erect stems, 2-5 dm tall with long-villose, non-glandular hairs mixed with shorter gland-tipped hairs; leaves oblong to lanceolate, unlobed, 3-nerved, 2-4 cm long, with strongly wavy margins and bases clasping the stem; flor...
Castilleja tomentosa (Tomentose paintbrush)
Hemiparasitic perennial herb, multi-stemmed, to approximately 40 cm tall; stem pubescence unbranched, whitish-gray tomentose; leaves alternate, sparsely scabrous-hispid above, moderately scabrous-hispid below; lower and middle leaves lanceolate, enti...