Gnaphalium pringlei (Pringle's Cudweed)
Stems glandular-pilose, leaves lanceolate, decurrent, tomentose beneath, strongly glandular above; heads nearly cylindrical, not subtended by leafy bracts, 30-35 flowers per capitula, involucres strongly graduated, bracts scarious and whitish at the ...
Grindelia havardii (Havard's Gumweed)
Perennials, less commonly biennial; leaves ovate-lanceolate, slightly coriaceous, coarsely serrate with gland-tipped teeth; achenes monomorphic. Flowering June-September.
Grindelia hirsutula (Raton Gumweed)
Herbaceous biennial; stems corymbosely branched above with spreading-ascending branchlets, buff, stramineous, or reddish-purple, glabrous, 4-8 dm tall; leaves 2-8 cm long, firmly membranaceous, light grass- or olive-green, saliently and sharply denta...