Agastache mearnsii (San Luis Mountain Giant-Hyssop)
An herb differing from other Agastache by having attenuate calyx teeth 1/4 the total length of the calyx or more, herbaceous stems, a calyx tube that is straight or nearly so and 2-4 mm in diameter when pressed, with straight and conspicuous costae. ...
Agastache pringlei var. verticillata (Organ Mountains Giant Hyssop)
Profusely branched, erect perennial, woody only at very base; stems 20-80 cm long; leaves triangular-ovate or triangular-lanceolate, 1-2.5 times longer than wide, 5-40(80) mm long, dull to bright green above, paler below, thinly pubescent; flowers pi...
Aletes macdougalii (Macdougal's False Carrot)
Herbaceous perennial, 6-16 cm tall with several to many leaves and 1 to several peduncles arising from an often much-branched, woody root crown; leaves oblong in outline, blades 2.7-6 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, usually bipinnate, pinnae linear to ovate,...
Aliciella formosa (Aztec Gilia)
Perennial, 7-30 cm tall, older plants woody at the base, glandular; stems numerous, branched; leaves entire, 25 mm long, sharp-pointed; flowers pinkish-purple, trumpet-shaped, about 22 mm long. Flowers April and May.
Allium gooddingii (Goodding's Onion)
Herbaceous perennial with 1-3 elongate bulbs terminating in a thick, iris-like rhizome; outer bulb coats veined with parallel, not net-like, persistent fibers; leaves obtuse, flat, strap-like 12-30 cm long, 8mm wide; flower stalk erect, longer than t...
Apacheria chiricahuensis (Cliff Brittlebush)
Shrub to 50 cm tall; leaves opposite, entire to 3-lobed, oblanceolate to spatulate, 3.5-7.5 mm long, 1.0-2.3 mm wide, apiculate, glabrous; stipules minute; flowers radially symmetric, borne singly, sessile or short pedunculate; sepals 4, 3.0-3.5 mm l...
Aquilegia chaplinei (Chapline's Columbine)
Perennial herb; stems 2-5 dm long, glabrous except for the glandular-pubescent upper parts, openly branched; basal leaves biternately to triternately divided into 3 or 6 leaflets, leaflets lobed, glabrous, dark green above, somewhat paler beneath; pe...
Argemone pinnatisecta (Sacramento Prickly-Poppy)
Robust, herbaceous perennial, with 3-12 branching stems, 0.5-1.5 m tall; leaves blue-green, 10-15 cm long, divided, the sinuses broad and square, margins, midribs, and veins armored with stout yellow spines; stem and leaf latex white; flowers large a...
Asclepias sanjuanensis (San Juan Milkweed)
Herbaceous perennial; stems from a subterranean woody root crown, 4-8 cm tall, prostrate to ascending; leaves 2-4 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, white tomentulose on leaf margins; inflorescence a terminal umbel with 4-15 flowers; corolla browish purple;...