
Cirsium gilense (Gilia Thistle)
Biennial; stems up to 2 m tall, sparingly branched, hairy; leaves about 40 cm long, pointed at the tip, lobed, the lobes toothed, teeth tipped with slender spines, upper surface of the leaves hairy, lower surface without hairs; the base of the stem l...
Cirsium wrightii (Wright's Marsh Thistle)
Robust biennial or monocarpic perennial; stem strict, 1-2.5 m tall; basal leaves ample, succulent, 30 cm or more long, sinuate or pinnatifid, weakly prickly with short black spines, nearly glabrous, the thin weblike wool tardily deciduous; stem leave...
Crataegus wootoniana (Wooton's Hawthorn)
Small tree or shrub to 3 m tall; branches thorny, the thorns purplish brown, 3-4 cm in length; leaves simple, alternate and rhombic in outline, margins with 3-4 broad lobes on each side of the upper two-thirds of the leaf, these lobes with fine margi...
Cymopterus spellenbergii (Taos Springsparsley)
Taprooted, acaulescent, tufted, herbaceous perennial; leaves 1 or more times pinnately compound, ovate or broadly ovoid in outline, 2-6 cm wide, 4-8 cm long, glabrous or minutely scabrous on margins, petioles 1-10 cm long, leaflets sessile, filiform ...
Delphinium novomexicanum (White Mountain Larkspur)
Perennial herb 0.9-2.5 m tall; stems glabrous, green or bluish-green at the base; leaves all on stem and withered from the basal 1/5 of the stem at the time of anthesis, petioles 3-13 cm long, blades 8-18 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, palmately divided i...
Delphinium robustum (Robust Larkspur)
Perennial herb 1-2 m tall; stems glabrous or puberulent, sometimes reddish at the base; leaves all on stem and withered from the basal 1/5 of the stem at the time of anthesis, petioles 7-13 cm long, blades 10-20 cm long and 7-12 cm wide, palmately di...
Draba standleyi (Standley's Whitlow-Grass)
Tufted perennial; caudex simple or closely branched, thick with marcescent (withered but persistent) leaf bases; stems few, 1-3 dm long, very slender, erect to partially decumbent, simple or few-branched, sparsely pubescent below with simple or forke...
Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri (Kuenzler's Cactus)
Stems solitary or few in a cluster, more or less conical, 10-15 cm tall, 7-10 cm wide; ribs 7-12, tubercled; spines usually 3-7 per areole, thick, to over 1 mm near swollen base, often angular in cross section, usually white to pale gray, sometimes b...