Phacelia neomexicana (New Mexico Scorpion-Weed)
Annual, 8-68 cm tall; stems erect, sparsely branched, setose and with stipitate glandular hairs; leaves pinnate, 3-8.5 cm long, 1-4.5 cm wide, strigose, stipitate-glandular, petioles to 1.5 cm long, margins irregularly incised; inflorescence terminal...
Phacelia pinkavae (Pinkava's Phacelia)
This species was named by Atwood and Welsh in Novon 17:403-416 (2007). Plants of this species were previously identified as P. integrifolia.
Phacelia popei (Pope's Scorpion-Weed)
This name is synonymous with Phacelia popei. Distribution is New Mexico and Texas (USDA).
Phemeranthus confertiflorus (New Mexico Flameflower)
Stems mostly reddish; sepals acute, often with puple coloring, persistent in fruit; petals white to pale pink, five; stamens yellowish or matching petal color, 5 (rarely to 10); flowers open in afternoon; fruit are pointed apically and three-angled, ...