Vulnerable in NM either because rare and uncommon, or found only in a restricted range (even if abundant at some locations), or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation. Typically 21 to 100 occurrences or between 3,000 and 10,000 individuals.
The numeric rank is inexact.
Penstemon deaveri (Mt. Graham Beardtongue)
Plants perennial, robust; stems, 2-6 dm tall, pubescent; inflorescence puberulent, not glandular, narrow; corolla varying from blue-purple to violet-purple or lavender, 16-25 mm long, widely inflated, base of lower lobes (sparsely to) moderately whit...
Penstemon lentus (Abajo Penstemon)
Perennial herb, 3-5 dm tall; herbage glaucous, glabrous; stems ascending to erect, 1-few; leaves 2-11 cm long, 5-30 mm wide, fleshy, entire, the basal and lower stem leaves petiolate, spatulate, the upper leaves sessile, ovate to lanceolate; inflores...
Penstemon pseudoparvus (San Mateo Penstemon)
Compact herbaceous perennial from a woody rhizome; stems 1-5, 10-30(32) cm high, 1.0-2.3 mm in diameter at the base, finely puberulent; leaves moderately thick, opaque, minutely puberulent and soon glabrescent or puberulent merely on the midvein, fai...
Phacelia neomexicana (New Mexico Scorpion-Weed)
Annual, 8-68 cm tall; stems erect, sparsely branched, setose and with stipitate glandular hairs; leaves pinnate, 3-8.5 cm long, 1-4.5 cm wide, strigose, stipitate-glandular, petioles to 1.5 cm long, margins irregularly incised; inflorescence terminal...