Thelypodiopsis vaseyi (Las Vegas Tumble Mustard)
Glabrous, glaucous annual with single stem highly branched above, 4-10 dm tall; lower leaves entire or rarely denticulate, up to 6 cm long and rarely to 1.5 cm wide; upper leaves lanceolate to narrowly linear; inflorescences few-flowered, terminating...
Thelypodium texanum (Gray Sibara)
Annual, grayish green branching herb, up to 30 cm tall; herbage glabrous throughout and slightly fleshy; leaves 3-7 cm long, 1.5-3.0 cm wide, deeply dissected into lobes; flowers minute; sepals 2 mm long or less; petals 4, white, 3.5 mm long; fruit a...