Vitis riparia (Riverbank Grape)
A grape differing from our common V. arizonica Engelm. by having nodal diaphragms less than 1 mm wide (rather that > 1 mm wide) and with growing tips enveloped by enlarging and unfolding leaves (rather than not being enveloped). It is much more simil...
Wyethia arizonica (Arizona Mule-Ears)
Distinguished by the leaves being lanceolate and the cauline leaves having petioles, plants with usually only one well-developed head per stem; lvs and stems strongly hirsute. Flowers are not frost hardy. (3)
Wyethia scabra (Badland Mule-Ears)
Distinguished by the leaves being linear to linear-lanceolate; basal lvs absent, reduced, or similar in size to the cauline leaves. Weber recognizes two "well-marked" races: ssp. scabra, with the outher phyl coarsely hirsute, and ssp. canescens Weber...