New Mexico Rare Plant Conservation Strategy Species
Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis)
Biennial to short-lived monocarpic perennial, erect, 3-8 dm tall; stems mostly solitary, occasionally branched from the base; basal leaves in a rosette, senescent at flowering; basal leaves ovate in outline, 3-5 cm long, pinnatifid in 9-15 linear div...
Justicia wrightii (Wright's Water-Willow)
Suffrutescent perennial, 8-15 cm tall; leaves sessile, linear to oblanceolate, strigillose, mostly 10-15 mm long, 1.5-4 mm wide, acute to rounded at the apex, margins flat; flowers solitary, sessile in the leaf axils, bractlets linear-subulate to lin...
Laphamia cernua (Nodding Cliff Daisy)
Low, tufted perennial from a woody base; stems leafy, to about 10 cm long; leaves alternate or opposite, petioles very short, blades broadly rounded-triangular, thick, fleshy, 2-3 cm wide, margins toothed; flower heads golden-yellow, rayless, solitar...
Laphamia quinqueflora (Five-Flower Rockdaisy)
Tufted perennial from a woody base; stems to 30 cm tall; leaves opposite in lower portion, becoming alternate above, the blades 15-25 mm long, 8-20mm wide, thickened and leathery, broadly triangular to kidney-shaped, somewhat toothed to very shallowl...
Laphamia staurophylla var. homoflora (San Andres Rock Daisy)
Perennial herb from a woody base; stems many, to 30 cm long; leaves many, mostly deeply and narrowly three-lobed, somewhat cruciform; flower heads terminal, solitary or in small clusters, somewhat bell-shaped; involucral bracts lance-shaped, about 4-...
Laphamia staurophylla var. staurophylla (New Mexico Rock Daisy)
Perennial herb from a woody base; stems single to many, 15-40 cm tall; leaves usually alternate, 1.7-3.8 cm long, 1.0-2.5 cm wide, mostly deeply and narrowly three-lobed, somewhat cruciform; flower heads terminal, solitary or in small clusters, somew...
Lepidospartum burgessii (Gypsum Scalebroom)
Broomlike shrub up to 1.5 m tall; stems many-branched, covered with silvery, matted, feltlike hairs out of which protrude numerous small oil blisters; leaves needlelike, alternate, 5-12 mm long; heads 3-4, terminal on stems; flowers 3, rarely 4, per ...
Leucosyris blepharophylla (La Playa Springs Spine-Aster)
Perennial herb from shallow slender rhizomes; stems from dense basal rosettes, erect, 4-35 cm tall, green or purplish, glabrous, unbranched on the lower 1/2; basal leaves thick, entire, linear-oblanceolate, sessile, 8-30 mm long, glabrous except on t...
Lilium philadelphicum var. andinum (Mountain Lily)
Bulbs chunky, 1.6–2.9 × 2.2–4.7 cm, 0.6–1.1 times taller than long, 2(–4) years’ growth visible; scales 1–2-segmented, longest 1.2–2.2 cm; stem roots present or absent. Stems to 1.2 m, glaucous. Buds rounded in cross section. Leaves scattered, or mos...